I know that many with and I.D. have chronic fatigue. I couldn't help but think that this recommendation of vitamins might be helpful to others who are looking for a little extra pick me up. Now for most reading this, you may be thinking... No more pills please! But you also may be use to it by now and willing to try something, anything, to get a little more energy into your daily life. Here are the Recommendations from This Website, in regards to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Folic acid: -------- 1-10 mg/day for 3 months
Vitamin B12: ---- 6-70 mg (intramuscular injection) per week for 3 weeks
Vitamin C: -------- 10-15 grams/day
Magnesium: ----- 600 mg/day + 2400 mg/day of malic acid for 8 weeks
Zinc: ---------------- 135 mg/day for 15 days
5-hydroxytryptophan: 100 mg three times daily for 3 months (if fibromyalgia is present)
L-carnitine: -------- 1-2 grams three times daily for 3 months
Coenzyme Q10: -- 100 mg/day for 3 months
Essential fatty acids: 280 mg GLA and 135 mg EPA daily for 3 months
The supplements should be administered with medical supervision and accompanied by a high-potency vitamin/mineral supplement for the duration of the trial. [95 references]
Werbach, Melvyn R.
Nutritional strategies for treating chronic fatigue syndrome.
Alternative Medicine Review,
Vol. 5, No. 2 April 2000, pp. 93- 108
What are some things that have helped you with fatigue?
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